Fiction, Deep Wild 2025

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The editors of Deep Wild Journal: Writing from the Backcountry are currently accepting submissions for Volume 7, to be published in June 2025. We seek work that conjures the experiences, observations, and insights of backcountry journeys. By “backcountry,” we mean away from paved roads on journeys undertaken by foot, skis, snowshoes, kayak, canoe, horse, or any other non-motorized means of conveyance.

 We are open to a wide spectrum of carefully-crafted work, from the personal to the political. By “personal,” we mean work that not only relates the experience of backcountry journeys, but also in some way reflects upon the journeys. By “political,” we mean work that, while maintaining a backcountry perspective, addresses and confronts the social, economic, and environmental issues of our times.

 We invite you to send your best backcountry fiction, one or more short pieces totaling about 3,000 words. Stand-alone novel excerpts are also welcome. We will consider longer prose pieces of exceptional merit. Previously published is OK, with permissions. For fiction, we like realism. Please no magic, vampires, elves or aliens.

 The deadline for all general submissions is midnight, December 1.

We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the work published in our first six issues. Visit to take advantage of our seasonal sales, or to read selections published on our blog. To request our discount for students and faculty, visit 

PLEASE BE SURE TO READ AND FOLLOW OUR GENERAL GUIDELINES as you prepare to send your submission packet. Failure to do so could result in manuscript disqualification, and nobody wants that! These guidelines can be found on the main page of this Submittable account, as well as on our website.   Thanks! We look forward to reading your work.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.